The Plan V1.2

This should read “F”.

Our weather routher, Bob McDavitt, located in New Zealand now says Saturday (9 March) is the day! And it will be. We spent today fueling the boat and bringing the water maker back to life. The watermaker exercise went well but the fuel situation is not as good as it should be. The photo shows the gauge reading when the tank is actually full, as measured by filling the tank and noting the fuel in the top of the filler hose. Sigh…….

We are hoping to motor as little as possible because even when full, Marathon does not carry much fuel in her tank. So we will have 9 jerry cans of fuel on deck and in the aft lazarette. We will still need to be very careful with fuel. As someone said “why motor from one place with no wind to another place with no wind”?

3 thoughts on “The Plan V1.2”

  1. Bon voyage Nello, Sheridan, and Peter. Safe sail. Fair winds. Will keep tracking you. Best wishes. Al and Ruth

  2. See you still in Cabo. Winds look like light northerlies up to 250 kms offshore , greater than 250 kms looks easterly at approx. 10 knots; on NOAA site. Building by tomorrow noonish. Presumably you are awaiting more wind. Hope all well.

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