An overnight sail took us from Santa Catalina to San Diego. Sadly, the wind only allowed about 2 hours of sailing the remaining 12 or so hours required the engine. We arrived just off of San Diego at about 4 AM and decided to wait for daylinght before entering the harbour. Interestingly, we were accompanied by a submarine on our way in. We spent our first night at the very expensive but dissappointing Kona Kai Marina but then took advantage of Peter’s False Creek Yacht Club reciprocal opportunities at the San Diego Yacht Club – this is a very serious marina and it will be hard to pry us loose from here!
The only colour we’re seeing in Vancouver are the leaves being swirled by the wind and rain for days now. Good sailing if you’re prepared to trade your shorts in for foul weather gear. As your journey continues may you have more adventures, wind or no wind! Have a Margarita for me will ya? Lynda